This site is devoted to Independence Day, one of the greatest science fiction movies ever made, and certainly the best thing that has come around since the Star Wars Trilogy.

Created by Brendan Choi. June 14, 1996.

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Please send questions, comments, and suggestions to I will respond to all e-mail.

If you know of other ID4-related pages on the net, or are creating one yourself, please send me the URL, and I will include a link to it here.

Click about this site to learn more about it.

Special thanks goes to fellow ID4 fanatic, John "ID4 Freedom Fighter" Dunbar for providing some of the material on this site.

And of course, many thanks goes out to the people of Centropolis for making the greatest science-fiction and action movie of all time!!!!

ID4 NEWS: (1) International release dates are available here! Click the international release schedule to find out when ID4 will premiere in your country! (2) ID4 has set a six-day record!!! ID4 grossed over $100 million on July 8th!! (3) ID4 broke the July 4th single day record, bringing in $17.2 million!!

UPDATES: (1) President Whitmore's entire speech is now available here for you to read and download. See below for the link. (2) The Trendmasters site now has the ID4 Mission Disks available for free downloading! (3) A link to the ID4 pages at Hollywood Online has been added!! Go there to check out never-before-seen pictures, and scenes cut from the movie!! (4) Links to new ID4 fan sites have been added.

Last updated: July 30, 1996

The Alien Commander declares war!

Click on one of these sound formats to hear what he has to say! AU (28k), WAV (76k), AIFF (76k).

Our President responds!

Click on one of these sound formats to hear what our Commander in Chief has to say!
AU (33k), WAV (45k), AIFF (45k). If you want to read the entire speech, click the President's speech for a copy.

ID4 conquers the World Wide Web!

Please visit these other ID4 sites to learn more about the movie. Many of these sites have sound and movie files, and free ID4 software for you to download. Enjoy!

Fan sites:

Mike's Alien Attacker Blueprints Go to this site to see a schematic of the Alien Attack Fighter seen in ID4!!!

Jason's Tribute to ID4 A real big ID4 fan site with animated gifs and a Windows'95 Plus! desktop theme. There is also a page with lots of cool video captures from the ID4 television specials. Go check 'em out!

Nasir's ID4 This is one real bad-ass ID4 fan site! Its so bad, it has versions for both high and low-end browsers. A must-see!

US Space Base El Toro Visit El Toro in the aftermath of the alien attack! An awesome ID4 fan site by Richard Kekahuna. Richard has made his own ID4 graphics. Check them out!

Tim Schimpf's ID4 Finally, an ID4 fan site that loads fast! This site has thumbnails to larger pictures, lots of sounds files, and all eight ID4 QuickTime movie trailers found at the official Fox site.

Chris Vanasse's ID4 An ID4 fan site with lots of movies, pictures, and sounds.

Chris Knight's Unofficial ID4 Homepage A really cool ID4 fan site!! Has pages focusing on the characters and aliens.

Steve DeGennaro's ID4 A nicely designed ID4 fan site. Lots of pictures and sounds.

President Whitmore's ID4 Site A creative ID4 fan site by Sean Fitzgibbons. Includes the article on ID4 from Time Magazine.

Hornet's ID4 Page Direct from Australia, an ID4 fan site by Matthew Smith! Has lots of nice pictures, including one of our favorite jet fighter!

Phil Rodger's ID4 An ID4 fan site with pictures and sounds.

Claudius J. Pigg's ID4 A cool ID4 fan site with pictures, movies, and sounds.

Robbie's ID4 An ID4 site with lots of pictures, sounds, and movies.

George Matz's ID4 An ID4 fan site with movies, pictures, and sounds.

Ben Sharpe's ID4 Another awesome ID4 fan site. Has lots of movies, sounds, pictures, etc. Netscape recommended.

Randy Luba's ID4 An ID4 fan site under development.

Xaos's ID4 An ID4 fan site under development.

Joe Turk's ID4 ID4 fan site under development.

ID4 freeware:

Nathan Rose's ID4 sounds This site has lots of ID4 sounds, including President Whitmore's speech! There is also a Windows'95 startup/shutdown screen.

Charlie Payton's ID4 stuff A Win'95 startup/shutdown screen is available here.

Derek Prior's ID4 Derek's site has Windows'95 Plus! themes and shutdown screens.

Movie reviews:

ID4 at The Q! Besides a review, there is a very informative ID4 news bulletin on this radio station site in Victoria, BC.

Tripper's Multimedia Review ID4 movie review with links to pictures, movies, and sounds embedded within the text.

ID4 movie review An ID4 movie review by Matthew T. Ficcaglia.

ID4 at The Sci-Fi Page This site has images from Centropolis Entertainment, and a movie review for ID4. The site is a part of Emmett Macfarlane's The Sci-Fi Page.

Independence Day synopsis A review and synopsis of ID4. Pretty in-depth.

ThirdRave Exclusive RaveReview An exclusive "sneak preview" of ID4 from Nando's magazine, ThirdRave. A pretty big page with lots of neat stuff.

ID4 movie review The ID4 review page at Movieweb.

ID4 movie review A review from Corona Productions.

Spanish ID4 web page There is some ID4 promo material on this Latin American site. Click translation to get an English translation of the page's text.

Corporate sites:

Trendmasters Inc. Official toy line manufacturer. Lots of good shots of the toys, which I have heard are already collector's items. The ID4 computer adventure Mission Disks are also now available for free downloading!

ID4 at Hollywood Online An amazing directory of images (some never-before-seen!!!) and pages for ID4 from Hollywood Online. A must-see!!

Fox Interactive Go here to learn about ID4 games and software.

Independence Day-Official Site Twentieth Century-Fox's official ID4 web site. There's a special site for Netscape 2.0 and Shockwave.

Centropolis Entertainment Centropolis is the company that made ID4, as well as Stargate and Universal Soldier. This site uses frames, so Netscape 2.0 or later is required. Some ID4 images are in a VRML gallery.

ID4: Art and Special FX from Centropolis

Enter the picture gallery to see the images from the Centropolis web site.

Clips from the QuickTime movie trailers

QuickTime movies of the ID4 trailers are available at the Twentieth Century-Fox Independence Day site. You may have to try one of the "Netscape" sites to get all 8 movies. Two of the movies are over 10MB in size. If you want to see snapshots from all of them, I have 85 freeze frame clips of those movies right here. Go to these pages to see the clips:

Clips from the TV trailers. 28 clips.

Aliens attack Earth! 34 clips.

Humanity fights back! 23 clips. Brendan Choi

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